The Farnam Method Of Defensive Handgunning (2nd Edition) - John S. Farnam
Product Description
For more than 30 years, John S. Farnam has been teaching the latest defensive firearms techniques to police departments, federal and stat agencies as well as foreign governments. Now his classic book, The Farnam Method of Defensive Handgunning, has been fully updated and revised. Whether you are a novice or experienced shooter, you will find valuable insights on the types of defensive handguns and the tactics for using them. This new edition features fully updated information on the why of defensive shooting including chapters on the legal justification for using lethal force. It contains valuable information about tactics you will use every day to avoid criminal confrontation or to react promptly and effectively if you do encounter a potential criminal. You will also find vital information on mental toughness and personal tactics that can help you to preserve your own life and the lives of family members when facing an imminent deadly assault. The chapters on handgun operating systems present the variety of handguns currently in use with advantages and disadvantages clearly described. You will also learn about the newest developments in defensive ammunition, and the importance of selecting and testing the right rounds for your handgun.
Product Details
* Amazon Sales Rank: #89601 in Books
* Published on: 2005-12-02
* Binding: Paperback
* 272 pages
Editorial Reviews
From the Publisher
DTI Publications is honored to have worked with John Farnam over the past year as he's written and refined The Farnam Method of Defensive Handgunning. We believe it's been well worth the wait. Farnam knows this subject like no one else!
About the Author
John Farnam is president of Defense Training International, Inc. and has been teaching defensive firearms courses for over 25 years. He is a combat veteran of the Vietnam War, a major (Retired) in the U.S. Army Reserve and a police officer with many years of practical experience. Mr. Farnam is the author of three books :Streetwise, The Farnam Method of Defensive Shotgun and Rifle Shooting and The Farnam Method of Defensive Handgunning. Each year, he travels across the country teaching the latest defensive firearms techniques to police departments, federal and state agencies as well as foreign governments. He is recognized as an acclaimed and prominent lecturer, expert witness and consultant. The American Tactical Shooting Association awarded John Farnam the "Tactical Advocate of the Year" in recognition of his commitment to presenting dependable tactical information to those attending his training programs.
Excerpt. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved.
Most defensive firearms training that I've witnessed consists of exposing student to a series of psycho-motor subroutines and then drilling the skills until students can pass some kind of practical test. Basically, we have been teaching people how to skillfully operate a machine under a number of different sets of circumstances. However, that is only part of the necessary preparation. Simply learning how to operate a machine means very little without exposure to the philosophical overlay without which none of it makes much sense. Every civilization has its Warrior Class. I'm not talking here merely about standing armies. Most "soldiers" in standing armies today are not warriors at heart. A famous fighting general during The Great War pointed out that of every hundred men sent to him at the front, twenty never even arrived, being counted among the sick, lame and lazy. Sixty arrived, at least in body, but were little more than "animated targets," mostly fearful, self consumed and paralyzed, unable to carry the war effort forward in any significant way. Men of straw. The remaining twenty were actually functional soldiers who could be counted upon to be where they were supposed to be and do what they were supposed to do. Out of that twenty, five were enthusiastic warriors. Those five didn't just talk about being a warrior. They lived it! They would, on their own, train and hone their fighting skills constantly. Their weapons were always with them and were always ready. Those five actually understood the importance of the war effort and their contribution to it. They were top-flight marksmen and looked for opportunities to make contact with the enemy. They always thought in terms of victory and were cool and composed under fire. Those five provided the inspiration for everyone else. They rarely received medals because the people who granted medals were curiously absent when real fighting took place. The five didn't care about medals. A bird doesn't sing because it has a song. A bird sings, because, if it didn't, it would burst! The five went valiantly forward in battle always leading the way not because they were ordered to but because they could not stay back. This book is written for The Five. That being the case, it will probably never be a best seller just as men of honor, dignity and purpose are never a majority. So, fellow warriors, we must constantly refine our fighting skills and continually teach them to the worthy among us so that they will be carried through the generations and not be lost and have to be relearned, at great cost, by our sons who have to fight future conflicts. Mostly, we must inspire our fellow warriors and awaken the warrior spirit in the hearts of our students. Merely learning and teaching fighting skills is just the frosting. The heart of the warrior is at the center. A famous proverb says, "A wise man never tries to warm himself in front of a picture of a fire." Even so, we must be genuine, fearless and relentless followers of The True Way, the Way of the Warrior.